The project for a superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) i
on source has been funded by INFN in 1992 as a joint venture between I
NFN and CEA/DRFMC. The source is devoted to the production of high cha
rge state heavy ions to be injected into the K-800 superconducting cyc
lotron. The magnetic system consists of three solenoids and of an hexa
pole which will allow one to attain a strong plasma confinement by mea
ns of a B-min field configuration with a very high magnetic field (1.4
T on the plasma chamber wall). At the intermediate frequency of 14.5
GHz, it will be possible to study the scaling of ECR ion sources at di
fferent magnetic fields far beyond the existing levels. The source wil
l eventually work at a higher frequency, in the range 28-35 GHz of gyr
otron tubes. The design of the superconducting magnets and of the cryo
stat has been carefully carried out, taking into account this goal, an
d the construction is now under course. The mechanical design of the p
lasma chamber is also outlined.