Information on prognosis and probability of response to treatment of b
reast cancer patients can be derived in part from assessment of progno
stic factors in the tumour tissue. Oestrogen and progestin receptors w
ere among the first and still remain important, The generalized use of
adjuvant treatments and the diversification of techniques for recepto
r assays have caused many hospitals to abandon quantitative receptor a
ssay or to refrain from receptor assays completely, New prognostic fac
tors are being proposed more and more frequently, but prior to their g
eneralized acceptance, they should be validated both analytically and
clinically to a greater extent than is usually done. Standardization o
f techniques and establishment of external quality control procedures
are part of the technical validation. Among these potentially useful n
ew prognostic factors are the components of the urokinase system such
as urokinase type plasminogen activator and its inhibitors, thymidine
kinase oestrogen receptor variants with constitutive, i.e. hormone ind
ependent, transactivation properties, and prostate specific antigen. T
echniques for the assessment of new prognostic factors are at the prot
ein, RNA and DNA level and thus require specialized laboratories with
dedicated staff willing to commit to guidelines emerging from internat
ional cooperative efforts to provide the best possible laboratory care
to the breast cancer patient. To maintain the momentum in the researc
h of such laboratories, it is imperative that they are provided with t
issue specimens whenever tumour size allows for it.