Minority carrier properties of 3-mum-thick n-type GaAs on Si with a st
rained layer superlattice and thermal cycle annealing grown by metalor
ganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) have been characterized by cat
hodeluminescence (CL) and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRP). The c
alculated TRP decay curve is investigated by changing the material par
ameters (bulk lifetime and surface recombination velocity). The minori
ty carrier lifetime of GaAs on Si has been determined by fitting the e
xperimentally obtained TRP curve to the calculated one. The minority c
arrier lifetime increases and the dark-spot defect density decreases w
ith increasing number of thermal cycle annealings. The longest minorit
y carrier lifetime of GaAs on Si in this study is 0.38 ns, which is ab
out one order of magnitude smaller than that of GaAs grown on the GaAs
substrate under similar conditions. The minority carrier lifetime is
increased as the dark-spot defect density is decreased.