Iv. Pinayev et al., EXPERIMENTS WITH UNDULATOR RADIATION OF A SINGLE-ELECTRON, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 341(1-3), 1994, pp. 17-20
A single electron circulating in a storage ring is a very peculiar obj
ect. Permanent emission of synchrotron radiation offers the possibilit
y to observe the electron but also causes the ''natural bunch length''
. In the quasiclassical treatment uncertainties in the electron positi
on arise from the averaging of the energy and position of the point-li
ke electron over many turns in the storage ring. Nevertheless the ques
tion about the electron localization remains open. The radiation from
a long undulator permits one to obtain ''snapshots'' of the electron l
ongitudinal distribution. Experiments with a single electron on the VE
PP-3 optical klystron are discussed.