Jt. Mckinley et al., FREE-ELECTRON LASERS AND SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS - 1ST RESULTS ON NONLINEAR OPTICS, INTERFACES, AND DESORPTION, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 341(1-3), 1994, pp. 156-161
During the past year, the broad tunability (1-10 mum) and megawatt pea
k intensity made available by the Vanderbilt Free-Electron Laser opene
d new and productive avenues to semiconductor research. This paper ove
rviews three of these experimental areas: nonlinear optical absorption
in germanium, photoabsorption at heterojunction interfaces with empha
sis on highly accurate measurements of band-edge discontinuities, and
finally resonant photodesorption/ablation.