Av. Tulupov et al., SIMULATIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FEM OSCILLATOR FOR FUSION AT 130-250 GHZ, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 341(1-3), 1994, pp. 305-308
The performance of a 1 MW, long pulse, 130-250 GHz free-electron maser
being designed in the FOM-Institute of Plasmaphysics for fusion appli
cations has been simulated by a fully 3-D, AC and DC space charge incl
uded, non-wiggle averaged, particle-pusher code. In comparison with pr
evious designs a new shorter construction of a step-tapered undulator
providing suppression of the double frequency amplification on the lin
ear stage and a perfect matching of the power grow on the nonlinear st
age is considered. The dependences of the linear gain and output power
on the operating frequency, reflection coefficient, gap length betwee
n two undulator sections and electron beam focusing efficiency are exa
mined. Particular attention has been devoted to the influence of space
charge on the operation of the FEM oscillator. Longitudinal space cha
rge reduces the linear gain but increases the level of power which can
be reached inside the resonator. It has been shown that for a fixed u
ndulator length there is an optimum value of the electron beam current
density providing sufficiently high linear gain and output power.