Ten species of benthic marine macroalgae are reported for the first ti
me from coastal waters of Puerto Rico. These species include Rhipilioy
sis profunda (Eiseman et S. A. Earle) J. N. Norris et Blair [Chlorophy
ta], Predaea weldii Kraft et I. A. Abbott, Halymenia bermudensis Colli
ns et M. Howe, Titanophora cfr. incrustans (J. Agardh) Borgesen, Hypne
a volubilis Searles, Flahaultia tegetiformis W. R. Taylor, Rhodymenia
divaricata E. Y. Dawson, Monosporus indicus Borgesen, Dasya antillarum
(M. Howe) Millar, and Heterosiphonia hummii Aregood [Rhodophyta]. The
above collections of Rhipiliopsis, Titanophora, Hypnea, Rhodymenia an
d Heterosiphonia also represent first reports for the Caribbean. These
records also include the first reports of male and female gametophyte
s of Hypnea volubilis and female gametophytes of Dasya antillarum. The
designation of a lectotype for Heterosiphonia hummii is proposed.