The authors report two cases of postoperative lagophthalmos immediatly
following ab externo dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Two female patients
, aged 67 and 62 years, underwent under general analgesia for chronic
dacryocystitis with mucocele. An inferior surgical approach, sparing t
he inner canthal ligament was chosen in both cases. Lagophthalmos was
observed on the operated side on the first postoperative day. Normal l
id occlusion was present on the contralateral side. Impairement of pal
pebral occlusion was predominant in the nasal portion of the lid fissu
re. Upon voluntary and reflex blinking, a reduction in the downward mo
vement of the superior lid was observed. This reduction was not as app
arent when the patients were asked to produce a forced blink. Lagophth
almos disappeared progressively over 3 postoperative months in both ca
ses. Neither epiphora nor any corneal complications were observed. Lag
ophthalmos following DCR via an inferior approach is a previously unre
ported complication and may be related to the disinsertion of the nasa
l portion of the orbicularis muscle and periosteum at the time of peri
osteal cleavage. Recovery of normal lid function may be due to reattac
hment of the periosteum.