There is evidence that the failing human left ventricle in vivo subjec
ted to additional preload is unable to use the Frank-Starling mechanis
m. The present study compared the force-tension relation in human nonf
ailing and terminally failing (heart transplants required because of d
ilated cardiomyopathy) myocardium. Isometric force of contraction of e
lectrically driven left ventricular papillary muscle strips was studie
d under various preload conditions (2 to 20 mN). To investigate the in
fluence of inotropic stimulation, the force-tension relation was studi
ed in the presence of the cardiac glycoside ouabain. In skinned-fiber
preparations of the left ventricle, developed tension was measured aft
er stretching the preparations to 150% of the resting length. To evalu
ate the length-dependent activation of cardiac myofibrils by Ca2+ in f
ailing and nonfailing myocardium, the tension-Ca2+ relations were also
measured. After an increase of preload, the force of contraction grad
ually increased in nonfailing myocardium but was unchanged in failing
myocardium. There were no differences in resting tension, muscle lengt
h, or cross-sectional area of the muscles between both groups. Pretrea
tment with oua-bain (0.02 mu mol/L) restored the force-tension relatio
n in failing myocardium and preserved the force-tension relation in no
nfailing tissue. In skinned-fiber preparations of the same hearts, dev
eloped tension increased significantly after stretching only in prepar
ations from nonfailing but not from failing myocardium. The Ca2+ sensi
tivity of skinned fibers was significantly higher in failing myocardiu
m (EC(50), 1.0; 95% confidence limit, 0.88 to 1.21 mu mol/L) compared
with nonfailing myocardium (EC(50), 1.7; 95% confidence limit, 1.55 to
1.86 mu mol/L). After increasing the fiber length by stretching, a si
gnificant increase in the sensitivity of the myofibrils to Ca2+ was ob
served in nonfailing but not in failing myocardium. These experiments
provide evidence for an impaired force-tension relation in failing hum
an myocardium. On the subcellular level, this phenomenon might be expl
ained by a failure of the myofibrils to increase the Ca2+ sensitivity
after an increase of the sarcomere length.