Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne et Allan. treated as a hybrid or as
an unnamed species since 1961, is reinstated as a distinct species. It
is endemic to the Unuwhao massif in the far north of the North Island
. It is similar to H. ligustrifolia, hut has a sinus in the leaf bud a
nd larger flowers and capsules. H. murrellii Simpson et Thomson. treat
ed since 1961 as H. petriei var. murrellii, grows sympatrically with H
. petriei var. petriei on the Takitimu Mountains, Southland, and is re
instated at species rank. H. murrellii and H. petriei are probably clo
sely related, but differ in their leaf bases and flowers. Descriptions
of both reinstated species are provided.