For some time, so-called empirical likelihoods have been used heuristi
cally for purposes of nonparametric estimation. Owen showed that empir
ical likelihood ratio statistics for various parameters theta(F) of an
unknown distribution F have limiting chi-square distributions and may
be used to obtain tests or confidence intervals in a way that is comp
letely analogous to that used with parameteric likelihoods. Our object
ive in this paper is twofold: first, to link estimating functions or e
quations and empirical likelihood; second, to develop methods of combi
ning information about parameters. We do this by assuming that informa
tion about F and theta is available in the form of unbiased estimating
functions. Empirical likelihoods for parameters are developed and sho
wn to have properties similar to those for parameteric likelihood. Eff
iciency results for estimates of both theta and F are obtained. The me
thods are illustrated on several problems, and areas for future invest
igation are noted.