Background. Intraspinal Wilms' tumor metastasis is rare, and is associ
ated with a high mortality rate. Methods. The authors reviewed the cli
nical course of two patients with Wilms' tumor in whom extradural meta
stasis developed. In addition, a review of the literature and of patie
nts entered in the National Wilms' Tumor Studies was performed to dete
rmine the clinical presentation, treatment, and outcome of other patie
nts with Wilms' tumor with intraspinal metastases. Results. Both of th
e patients initially had abdominal pain without neurologic deficits. D
espite therapy, paraplegia secondary to cord compression from recurren
t epidural metastases developed in one patient, although a third remis
sion has been achieved with further chemotherapy. The second patient r
emains in disease-free remission 25+ months after surgical resection o
f the extradural spinal tumor, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation the
rapy, and autologous bone marrow transplantation. Review of the litera
ture and of the patients entered in the National Wilms' Tumor Studies
revealed an additional 27 patients with Wilms' tumor with this pattern
of metastasis. Only four were disease-free at the time of this report
. Conclusions. The authors' experience stresses the importance of earl
y recognition and treatment of this complication of Wilms' tumor and d
emonstrates that intensive multimodality therapy can result in long-te
rm disease-free remission.