We have studied the responses of MT neurons to moving gratings, spatia
lly modulated in luminance and chromaticity. Most MT neurons responded
briskly and with high contrast sensitivity to targets whose luminance
was modulated, with or without added chromatic contrast. When luminan
ce modulation was removed and only chromatic stimulation was used, the
responses of air MT neurons were attenuated. Most were completely unr
esponsive to stimulation with targets whose modulation fell within a '
'null'' plane in color space; these null planes varied from neuron to
neuron, but all lay close to the plane of constant photometric luminan
ce. For about a third of the neurons, there was no color direction in
which responses were completely abolished; almost all of these neurons
had a definite minimum response for chromatic modulation near the iso
luminant plane. MT neurons that responded to isoluminant targets did s
o inconsistently and with poor contrast sensitivity, so that only inte
nsely modulated targets were effective. Whereas the best thresholds of
MT neurons for luminance targets are close to behavioral contrast thr
eshold, the thresholds for isoluminant targets lie considerably above
behavioral contrast threshold. Therefore, although some MT neurons do
give responses to isoluminant targets, they are unlikely to be the sou
rce of the chromatic motion signals revealed behaviorally.