Protein kinase C (PKC) is a heterogeneous family of ten or more isofor
ms which plays an important role in neuronal signal transduction. Isof
orms from all subclasses are prominently expressed in the rat hippocam
pus, as demonstrated by immunoblot with isozyme-specific antisera: Ca2
+-dependent (alpha, beta I, beta II and gamma), Ca2+-independent (delt
a, epsilon and a newly characterized PKC related to eta) and atypical(
zeta). In addition, the zeta isoform is also found as the free, consti
tutively active catalytic domain, protein kinase M zeta (PKM zeta). Tw
o distinct patterns of expression of PKC isozymes in rat hippocampus a
re found during development from E18 to P28. PKC zeta, PKM zeta and PK
C delta are present at birth and their expression does not increase po
stnatally. In contrast, the other isoforms are expressed only at low l
evels at birth and then increase in the first 4 weeks postnatally. The
se two patterns of expression suggest distinct functions for PKC isozy
mes during development.