Background: The diagnosis of an acute malignant hyperthermia reaction
by clinical criteria can be difficult because of the nonspecific natur
e and variable incidence of many of the clinical signs and laboratory
findings. Development of a standardized means for estimating the quali
tative likelihood of malignant hyperthermia in a given patient without
the use of specialized diagnostic testing would be useful for patient
management and would promote research into improved means for diagnos
ing this disease. Methods: Using the Delphi method and an internationa
l panel of 11 experts on malignant hyperthermia, a multifactor maligna
nt hyperthermia clinical grading scale comprising standardized clinica
l diagnostic criteria was developed for classification of existing rec
ords and for application to new patients. Results: This scale ranks th
e qualitative likelihood that an adverse anesthetic event represents m
alignant hyperthermia (malignant hyperthermia event rank) and that, wi
th further investigation of family history, an individual patient will
be diagnosed as malignant hyperthermia susceptible (malignant hyperth
ermia susceptibility rank). The assigned rank represents a lower bound
on the likelihood of malignant hyperthermia. The clinical grading sca
le requires the anesthesiologist to judge whether specific clinical si
gns are appropriate for the patient's medical condition, anesthetic te
chnique, and surgical procedure. Conclusions: The malignant hypertherm
ia clinical grading scale is recommended for use as an aid to the obje
ctive definition of this disease. Its use may improve malignant hyper
thermia research by allowing comparisons among well-defined groups of
patients. This clinical grading system provides a new and comprehensiv
e clinical case definition for the malignant hyperthermia syndrome.