The magnesium titanates MgTiO3, Mg2TiO4 and MgTi2O5 can be synthesized
by the wet chemical peroxide route at low temperatures. The first ste
p of the preparation is the precipitation of Peroxo-precursors of defi
nite stoichiometry which are transformable into the corresponding tita
nates by thermal decomposition. The resulting ultrafine, phase-pure ma
gnesium titanate powders have only a low impurity content. They are ve
ry sinteractive above 1200-degrees-C. The rate of densification during
sintering of compacts is improved in the order MgTi2O5 < Mg2TiO4 < Mg
TiO3, including the green densities, the densities at a given time and
the theoretical densities of the titanates for the calculations. The
Mg2TiO4 formation occurs via the inverse spinel phase of Mg2TiO4 in a
metastable state at low temperatures and MgTiO3 and MgO as intermediat