Sodic soils are common throughout Western Australia, particularly in t
he south-west agricultural area where they occur mainly as duplex or g
radational profiles. Soils with sodic properties are dominant in 26% o
f the state; saline-sodic sediments and soils in intermittent streams,
lakes and estuarine plains occupy a further 5%. Sodic soils are moder
ately common throughout the south and western portion of the rangeland
areas (38% of the state). The south-west coastal sands and the desert
and rangeland soils to the north and east of the state are rarely sod
ic. Although sodicity has been recognized as a discrete problem in W.A
. soils since the 1920s, the extent and severity of sodicity has been
satisfactorily described only for small areas of the state and most la
nd managers are unaware of the role sodicity plays in limiting the pro
ductivity of their soils. Sodicity is implicated in a diversity of pro
blems for both agricultural and non-agricultural uses of Western Austr
alian soils. Subsoil impermeability is probably the most widespread of
these, but no comprehensive, quantitative assessment of the influence
of exchangeable sodium on subsoil properties has been undertaken. Top
soil sodicity is much less extensive but can severely restrict land pr
oductivity, particularly on sandy loam and finer textured soils which
set hard when dry. The physical behaviour of Western Australian topsoi
ls cannot usefully be predicted from measurements of exchangeable sodi
um alone because soils differ so greatly in their response to changing
exchangeable sodium. Some remain structurally stable at ESP values >1
5 while others are so 'sodium-sensitive' that they exhibit highly disp
ersive behaviour at ESP values as low as 2%. Land values over much of
the dryland farming and pastoral areas of W.A. do not justify sustaine
d use of amendments which would reduce soil exchangeable sodium conten
ts. Efficient management of sodic soils in these areas must rely on th
e prevention of degradation and the use of biological and physical mea
ns to maintain adequate soil physical properties. Effective restoratio
n of degraded sodic soils, however, often does require application of
inorganic amendments in combination with tillage to initiate structura
l recovery. Sodicity is currently not considered to be a problem at an
y of the three main irrigation areas in W.A., but all have sodic soil
within their potentially irrigable lands, which may limit their future