Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is very susceptible to flow artifacts, Two w
ays to improve its flow properties are presented. First, ''partial fly
back'' is proposed to reduce artifacts arising from flow in the readou
t direction. Near the center of k-space, only the even echoes of the E
PI echo-train are used. Partial flyback is shown to improve the readou
t-flow properties at the expense of a slight worsening of the phase-en
code flow and off-resonance properties. We recommend that the flyback
region acquire 95% of the energy in k-space. Second, ''inside-out'' EP
I is used to reduce artifacts arising from flow in the phase-encode di
rection, Data collection begins at the center of k-space, with separat
e interleaves to acquire the top and bottom halves of k-space, Partial
flyback is combined with partial-Fourier EPI and inside-out EPI. Part
ial-flyback inside-out EPI has worse off-resonance properties than par
tial-flyback partial-fourier EPI but demonstrates better flow properti
es and does not require partial k-space reconstruction.