Twenty-three (25 %) out of 92 patients undergoing initial neck explora
tion for primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) also underwent a simultane
ous thyroid operation. Based on a postoperative analysis a simultaneou
s thyroid operation was unquestionably indicated in 18 (78 %) cases bu
t in the remaining five (18 %) the indications were less well proved.
Six (9 %) of the 66 patients subjected only to neck exploration for PH
PT and four (17 %) of those with a simultaneous thyroid operation had
postoperative complications (P > 0.05). The patients with four inciden
tal biopsies and an incidental lobectomy had no complications, but oth
erwise complications were evenly distributed among the different thyro
id operations. The somewhat higher complication rate in patients under
going simultaneous thyroid operation was related to the learning curve
of the surgeon. Simultaneous thyroid operation increased the operatin
g room costs only by 31 %, and the combined operation was definitely c
ost effective as compared with separate parathyroid and thyroid operat
ions. It is concluded that in experienced hands, simultaneous thyroid
operation is safe, cost effective and recommendable for patients under
going initial neck exploration for PHPT, because it avoids the expense
and risk associated with neck re-exploration and can reveal unsuspect
ed cancer.