As a complement to the numerical solutions of Watson & Spiegelman (199
4; hereafter known as Paper I), we present some analytic solutions and
proofs to illustrate more generally how a single magmatic solitary wa
ve affects the transport of trace elements. In the absence of any diff
usion or dispersion, the equations for trace element transport can be
solved by the method of characteristics. This analysis shows that with
out diffusion, a solitary wave can transport chemical signals but cann
ot permanently change the shape of an initial trace element distributi
on. The solitary waves, however, can locally steepen trace element gra
dients by a distortion factor S which depends only on the ratio of ini
tial and local transport velocities. These results are quite general a
nd are expected for any solitary wave of permanent form and constant v
elocity because these waves always provide a frame of reference where
the melt and solid velocities are steady state.