The effect of smooth muscle tone on hysteresis of collateral channels
was examined and compared with that of airways, in freshly excised dog
lobes. A double lumen catheter was sealed into a branch off the main
bronchus, and air (Vs) flowed through the outer lumen while the pressu
re in the segment (Ps) was measured by the inner lumen. Collateral con
ductance (Gcoll) was calculated as Gcoll = Vs/Ps. In another series of
experiments a pleural capsule was used to measure either segmental ai
rway flow (Vsaw) or capsule pressure (Pcap). Segmental airway conducta
nce (Gsaw) was calculated as Gsaw = Vsaw/(Ps-Pcap). Hysteresis for Gco
ll vs lung volume (VL) curves were almost absent in control and after
isoproterenol inflation Gcoll was greater than deflation Gcoll at a gi
ven VL (clockwise history). Conversely, after histamine Gcoll vs VL cu
rves showed a counterclockwise history. The behaviors of Gcoll and Gsa
w against a bronchomotor agent were similar. We conclude that major co
llateral channels have muscular walls, and being that of an airway typ