In a previous study of fragmentation patterns of (Ar): clusters [G. De
lgado-Barrio, S. Miret-Artes, P. Villarreal, and E A. Gianturco, Z. Ph
ys. D 27, 354 (1993)] it was found that overall rotations control the
lifetimes of the occupied metastable states of the cluster and that a
spherical, effective interaction was sufficient to describe the dynami
cal process. In the present study, the strong anisotropy of a more rea
listic three-particle interaction is introduced and its effects on met
astable decay are examined. By separating internal rotations from inte
rnal vibrations of the diatomic ion, it is possible to show that inter
nal predissociation pathways are very efficient and lead to very short
lifetimes. The latter can be lengthened only when overall rotational
states are directly included, thus confirming the physical picture of
the earlier work.