Sluiceboxes can provide a much higher concentration ratio than most ot
her gravity concentrators (up to 50 000:1) at very high overall placer
gold recoveries (greater than 99%). They are also very reliable, inex
pensive and sample to operate This combination is very difficult to be
at and explains why the sluicebox is still the most important placer g
old concentrator in Canada's Yukon Territory. A sluicebox is a rectang
ular flume containing riffles on matting, through which a dilute slurr
y of water and alluvial gravel flows. Sluiceboxes operating under deal
conditions are actually centrifugal concentrators whose riffles overt
urn ribbons of slurry to form vortices. At the bottom of these vortice
s, centrifugal and gravitational forces combine to drive placer gold p
articles into matting. Testing sluiceboxes with conventional sampling
and evaluation techniques is very costly, time consuming and problemat
ic. The effect of a single gold particle can cause large unpredictable
errors (nugget effect) even when large sample volumes are processed w
ith care. Nuclear tracer tests are more accurate, faster, cheaper and
safer than conventional sampling. In 1989 through 1991, the recovery e
fficiency of several sluicing systems was determined by mixing radioac
tive gold particles (tracers) into the feed streams of 27 placer mines
in the Yukon Territory. Four distinct sizes of nuclear tracers were u
sed and their recovery was related to the design and operational chara
cteristics of the individual sluiceboxes and their pay gravels. Over-a
ll gold losses ranged between 71% and 0, or from $2.5 million to less
than $1000 per 1200 hour season. One of the triple-run sluiceboxes and
one of the single-run boxes lost more gold than they recovered. The s
luiceboxes which were fed with pre-screened gravels (minus 25 mm) had
the lowest losses of all, averaging only $47,000 per season. Three of
these sluiceboxes recovered 99% of their gold. Many of the mine recove
ry plants tested in 1990 had already implemented recommendations from
the 1989 test program including the use of unbacked Nomad matting, coa
rse expanded metal and 25 mm angle iron riffles. None were using doubl
ed riffles and few were using cocoa matting or Monsanto matting. Four
operators installed screening equipment which increased their gold rec
overy by 10% to 20%. Another four operators modified their sluicing sy
stems and increased their gold recovery by 3% to 44%. This paper prese
nts a summary of the existing and potential gold recoveries, and recom
mends sluicebox designs and operating parameter, based on the results
of nuclear tracer testwork from 1989 through 1991, conventional sampli
ng in 1988 and laboratory investigation in 1989-1990.