The degree to which the parasites and diseases of New Zealand fish and
shellfish have been studied reflects the commercial importance of the
host concerned and the severity of infection. As New Zealand aquacult
ure is largely based on farmed bivalve molluscs and salmonids, most at
tention has been given to these groups. However, by far the most serio
us parasitic disease of bivalves, Bonamia sp. in flat oysters (Tiostre
a chilensis), is primarily a problem in wild fisheries. The importance
of Bonamia sp. is such that this review will deal largely with bonami
asis but will also mention other parasites of New Zealand fish and she
llfish. Crustaceans have received very little attention, because only
rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) support a substantial fishery, and the
re are no known parasitic diseases of this species. Marine fishes have
been poorly surveyed for parasites, but the presence of Anisakis spp.
larvae and cestode plerocercae in fillets are of increasing public he
alth concern.