Labeling of goldfish optic nerve and tectum proteoglycans (PGs) was qu
antified following intraocular injection of (SO4)-S-35 and [H-3]prolin
e or [H-3]glucosamine. Both intact animals and animals which had survi
ved for periods of 10 to 119 days after an optic nerve crush lesion we
re examined. Regenerating retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons reached th
e rostral pole of the tectum by 10 days postcrush and by 21 days had d
ensely innervated the optic synaptic laminae. If the contralateral tec
tum had been removed, the regenerating RGC axons innervated the remain
ing ipsilateral tectum with a delay of approximately 14 days. There wa
s a biphasic increase in the synthesis and transport of PGs during opt
ic fiber regeneration which was not affected by the removal of the tec
tum. More highly sulfated PGs were preferentially off-loaded from the
orthograde transport pool proximally in the optic nerve, both in the u
noperated animals and during regeneration. These PGs also had longer a
nd/or more glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains than those off-loaded distal
ly, in the tectum. During early regeneration, the synthesis and transp
ort of chondroitin sulfate PGs (CSPGs) increased more than those of he
paran sulfate PGs, and during the period of optic fiber invasion of th
e synaptic laminae, the PGs retained in the nerve had a higher content
of CSPGs than those transported into the tectum. Removal of the contr
alateral tectum at the time of nerve crush resulted in a decrease in t
he size and/or numbers of GAGs and overall sulfation of PGs in the ner
ve by 21 days postoperatively. In addition, in the absence of the tect
um, the HS/CS ratio in the nerve remained at preoperative levels until
21 days postoperatively at which time it began to fall. Newly synthes
ized PGs transported in the regenerating retinotectal projection under
go changes reflecting regulation of transcription/translation and of p
ost-translational modification at the level of glycosyltransferase and
sulfotransferase activities and by mechanisms intrinsic to the orthog
rade and retrograde transport system of RGC axons. These changes are r
egulated by both target-dependent and target-independent signals. (C)
1994 Academic Press, Inc.