By synthesizing more than twenty years of research at the Fernow Exper
imental Forest, we have documented 7 symptoms of nitrogen saturation i
n two adjacent watersheds. The symptoms include: 1) high relative rate
s of net nitrification, 2) long-term increases in streamwater concentr
ations of nitrate and base cations, 3) relatively high nitrate concent
rations in solution losses, 4) little seasonal variability in stream-w
ater nitrate concentrations, 5) a high discharge of nitrate from a you
ng aggrading forest, 6) a rapid increase in nitrate loss following fer
tilization of a young aggrading forest, and 7) low retention of inorga
nic nitrogen when compared with other forested sites. These data suppo
rt current conceptual models of nitrogen saturation and provide a stro
ng, and perhaps the best, example of nitrogen saturation in the United