This paper investigates a bean root (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) approximat
ed to the one-membrane system. For the root of this plant treated in t
his way are given in Fiscus paper from 1986 the numerical values of th
e coefficients of filtration (L(p)BAR), reflection (sigmaBAR), and per
meation (omegaBAR). The thermodynamic formalism of Kedem and Katchalsk
y (1958) and die method of quantitative analysis of osmotic - diffusiv
e conversion of free energy (Kargol 1990) were applied. A number of en
ergetic properties of the bean root were analyzed in relation to water
transport through the radial duct and xylem rise (up to a certain hei
ght) on the basis of osmotically generated root pressure. The main ach
ievement of this work (interesting from the physiological point of vie
w) is the observation that the energetic efficiency of root connected
with water transport ought not to depend on concentration C(o) of the
medium solution in which this root is. This property refers to concent
rations C(o) from the interval: 0<C(o)<11 [mole m-3].