Ss. Ray et Pokharna Ss",ajai, COTTON PRODUCTION ESTIMATION USING IRS-1B AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA, International journal of remote sensing, 15(5), 1994, pp. 1085-1090
An approach to estimate cotton production at district level by estimat
ing cotton acreage from IRS-1B multispectral data and predicting yield
from meteorological data has been described. The meteorological data
(fortnightly rainfall and climatic potential evapotranspiration) have
been used to estimate fortnightly actual evapotranspiration (AET) usin
g simplified soil moisture budgeting technique. Fortnightly AET values
have been stepwise regressed with yield to get the final model which
is used for yield prediction. Cotton acreage, yield and production hav
e been estimated for the year 1992-93.