MUC1 epithelial mucins are produced by both normal and malignant epith
elial cells. Serum proteins reactive with monoclonal antibodies agains
t MUC1 mucins were studied using several techniques. Separation of pro
teins by native PAGE showed that anti-MUC1 core protein antibodies rea
cted with a high M(r) mucin but also with a 70-kD protein (p70) in nor
mal women and women with ovarian cancer. After purification by gel fil
tration, p70 was not reactive in a double-determinant ELISA (CASA) and
only weakly reactive in an inhibition assay. Serum CASA levels increa
sed during pregnancy but p70 disappeared. Neuraminidase treatment of s
erum resulted in a greater increase in CASA in normal women and in ova
rian cancer patients with low initial CASA than in ovarian cancer pati
ents with high CASA and pregnant women (p < 0.05). These findings sugg
est that pregnancy and ovarian cancer-derived mucins are less heavily
sialylated than mucin derived from normal tissues. An inhibition assay
was developed which was more sensitive, but provided no diagnostic ad
vantage over CASA. MUC1 is present in the serum of all women, reactivi
ty in assays utilizing core protein antibodies is probably dependent n
ot only on molar concentration but on the degree of exposure of peptid
e epitopes.