The Packed Cell Volume (PCV), reticulocyte count and Hb A2 were determ
ined in 28 patients during the period of malaria parasitaemia and 14 d
ays after effective treatment. The Hb A2 was determined by cellulose a
cetate haemoglobin electrophoresis in alkaline medium followed by elut
ion in water. There was no statistically significant difference betwee
n the PCV during the period of parasitaemia and that after treatment (
p > 0,05). The Hb A2 level did not show any significant difference dur
ing and after treatment of malaria (p = 0,05). The correlation coeffic
ient between absolute parasite count and Hb A2 level was -0,22 (p = 0,
251). It is concluded that malaria parasitaemia does not induce a sign
ificant change in the level of Rb A2.