PURPOSE: To evaluate use of transcervical recanalization in patients w
ith reocclusion of the proximal fallopian tube after failed surgery to
reverse sterilization or failed tuboplasty to treat inflammatory dise
ase. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The standard technique for transcervical r
ecanalization was attempted in seven patients after failed reversal su
rgery and in 12 after failed tuboplasty. Four of seven patients with f
ailed reversal surgery had fistular tracts and one also had a strictur
e; the remaining three patients and all 12 patients treated after fail
ed tuboplasty and tube reimplantation had strictures at the site of im
plantation or anastomosis. RESULTS: Transcervical recanalization faile
d in all patients with fistulas but succeeded in 13 of 15 with stenose
s. Three patients became pregnant 1-16 months after recanalization and
two after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Reocclusion occ
urred in two of 10 patients reexamined 6-36 months after recanalizatio
n. CONCLUSION: Transcervical recanalization is recommended as an alter
native to repeat microsurgical reimplantation or tuboplasty.