PURPOSE: To determine the potential frequency of adverse patient outco
mes resulting from erroneous preliminary radiology reports. MATERIALS
AND METHODS: The authors determined the number of preliminary radiolog
y reports that changed substantively between the preliminary and final
version during a 10-day collection period. They analyzed 200 of 1,648
reports to determine the potential for adverse outcome. RESULTS: Only
5.6% of the preliminary radiology reports were changed substantively.
Two percent of all reports contained changes that would have led to a
dditional testing or treatment and, possibly, increased morbidity. CON
CLUSION: Immediate electronic transfer of a preliminary radiology repo
rt results in a small but important number of adverse outcomes; howeve
r, if a final edited report follows within 24 hours and referring phys
icians are called whenever the preliminary report contains erroneous i
nformation, the benefits of rapid information transmission may outweig
h the additional risks.