We developed three algorithms to facilitate an analysis of the paramet
er combinations (PASS points) that fit experimental data to a desired
degree of accuracy. The clustering algorithm separates PASS points int
o clusters (PASS clusters) as a preliminary step for the following geo
metrical parametric analyses. The PASS region reconstruction algorithm
defines the space of a PASS cluster to allow further parametric struc
tural analysis. The feasible parameter space expansion algorithm-produ
ces a complete PASS duster to be used for model predictions to evaluat
e the effects of variability and uncertainty. These algorithms are dem
onstrated using two pharmacokinetic models; a single compartment model
for procainamide and a three-compartment physiologically based model
for benzene. We found a more thorough representation of the parameter
space than previously considered. Thus, we obtained model predictions
that describe better the variability in population responses. In addit
ion, we also parametrically identified a subpopulation that may have a
higher risk for cancer.