A patient aged 51 is described, in whom eruptions, spontaneously appea
ring and resolving over a year and a half, resembled Mucha-Habermann's
acute varioliform parapsoriasis. Based on the clinical picture of the
disease and the histologic findings (epidermotropic lymphoma) lymphom
atoid papulosis was diagnosed. After the disease was diagnosed, the pa
tient was followed up for 15 months; steroids and cytostatics resulted
in a rapid regression of the process, but it soon recurred, with the
eruptions involving larger surfaces and tumor-like elements appearing.
The present case may be regarded as a peculiar form of a malignant ly
mphoma that has taken a relatively benign course. The authors consider
that only when enough data are accumulated on such patients, the ques
tion on the nosologic entity of this disease can be answered.