Formally dipole-forbidden adsorbate vibrational modes have recently be
en detected using infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRAS).
In an earlier publication we have proposed that the excitation of thes
e modes is indirect, mediated by the metal electrons and closely relat
ed to the concept of surface resistivity. Here we extend that theory t
o lower frequencies; for parallel adsorbate vibrations the theory pred
icts an anti-absorption resonance with an unique asymmetry which only
depends on the ratio omega0/omega1 between the adsorbate vibrational f
requency omega0 and omega1 = upsilon(F)/delta where upsilon(F) is the
Fermi velocity and delta = c/omega(p) the skin depth. The theory is in
very good agreement with the IRAS measurements of Hirschmugl et al. [
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 4801 for CO on Cu(100) and in qualitative a
greement with the measurements of Lin et al. [Phys. Rev. B 48 (1993) 2
791] for CO on Ni(100).