Since 1981 we have cultured and prepared lipophilic and hydrophilic ex
tracts from more than 1500 strains representing some 400 species of bl
ue-green algae. Screening for a wide variety of potentially useful bio
activities, including cytotoxic, multi-drug-resistance reversal, antif
ungal, and antiviral effects, has led to the discovery and identificat
ion of numerous novel bioactive metabolites including peptides, macrol
ides and glycosides. A systematic evaluation of the chemical and envir
onmental factors that influence the production of secondary metabolite
s in Scytonema ocellatum, which produces tolytoxin (a macrocyclic lact
one that depolymerizes actin in vivo to disrupt cell division in eukar
yotic organisms), has shown that cyanophytes can be manipulated in cul
ture to improve growth and product yields.