The ranking of postoperative sonography is examined in respect of imag
ing of neck lymph node enlargement and neck lymph node metastases or l
ymphomas, using a prospective study involving 119 patients whose head
and neck tumours had already undergone treatment. These patients had b
een subjected to tumour aftercare for an average period of 26 months.
The resulting quotient values (M/Q-Quotient) and the transverse and lo
ng axis lengths, respectively, were used as diagnostic criteria for su
spicion of malignancy. A cervical lymph node with an M/Q-Quotient grea
ter than two ruled out a metastasis with 94% accuracy. A quotient of l
ess than two confirmed the presence of a metastasis with 92% accuracy.
In comparison, evaluation using the transverse axis method ruled out
metastasis in 92% of the cases, with a sensivity of only 83%. The pres
ence of sonomorphological criteria as a highly medullary reflex at the
centre of the lymph node or excentric widening of cortex improves dia
gnostic safety.