Explicit calculation shows us that there exists a rich associated symm
etry structure and abundant strong symmetry configuration for the 1 1 dimensional classical Liouville field theory. Starting from these sy
mmetries and strong symmetries, various integrable hierarchies can be
obtained. The Liouville I-III hierarchies, the modified Korteweg-de Vr
ies (KdV) hierarchy, the Fordy-Gibbons I, and Fordy-Gibbons II hierarc
hies are just special cases while the KdV hierarchy, Caudry-Dodd-Gibbo
n-Sawada-Kotera hierarchy, and Kaup-Kupershmidt hierarchy can be obtai
ned by using a same Miura transformation from the modified KdV, the Fo
rdy-Gibbons I and Fordy-Gibbons II hierarchies, respectively. Two type
s of the generalized Riccati hierarchies are also presented.