In northern boreal forests ground level species occur which may have t
he capacity to suppress tree seedling regeneration substantially, part
icularly in late successional stages. We investigated, through an expe
riment involving sequential manipulations, the effects of three biotic
components operating at the ground layer, i.e. above-ground effects o
f the ericaceous shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum and of the feather-moss
species Pleurozium schreberi and the below-ground effects of extramat
rical mycorrhizal hyphae, on the seedling establishment, growth and nu
trient acquisition of Pinus sylvestris during two growing seasons. Ger
mination and seedling establishment of P. sylvestris were enhanced by
reduction of the above ground components of E. hermaphroditum and P. s
chreberi but were not influenced by temporary disruption of mycorrhiza
l hyphae. Seedling growth and nitrogen content were, however, signifi
cantly increased when hyphal connections were disrupted and above grou
nd influence of P. schreberi and E. hermaphroditum were reduced. Highe
r shoot:root ratios were also found in seedlings when hyphal connectio
ns were disrupted. Seedlings in treatments where P. schreberi was left
intact and above ground interference by E. hermaphroditum was reduced
had unusually low shoot:root ratios (1.6) after two growing seasons a
nd significantly lower total amounts of nutrients after one growing se
ason than were initially present in the seeds, indicative of a net nut
rient drain during the early establishment phase. The experiment could
not explain the mechanisms behind this unexpected nutrient drain. Pos
sible rhizosphere interactions immobilizing nutrients and causing seed
ling nutrient losses are discussed. From the results of this study and
other indirect evidence we hypothesize that the three biotic componen
ts we investigated could act together to immobilize nutrients and to i
nhibit tree seedling regeneration and growth in late successional stag
es of boreal forests.