Nephrogenic mechanism of posttraumatic hemolysis. L. I. Ershova, G. N.
Kurbanova, V. L. Vinogradov, T. V. Batasheva. Hematological Research
Center, Moscow. The crush-syndrome model was introduced for experiment
al evaluation of the kidney-related mechanism of red cell destruction
in an early posttraumatic period 1 day). Absolute and relative counts
of the red cells, HCT were found reduced, while serum hemoglobin was o
n the increase in rats with crush syndrome against the controls and ra
ts subjected to trauma and nephrectomy. Renal perfusion in situ with s
yngeneic blood brought about a decline in rat erythrocyte functional p
erformance and a rise in the level of free hemoglobin. The findings su
pport participation of the local nephrogenic hemolytic component in pa
thogenesis of early posttraumatic anemia.