The snowmelt runoff model (SRM) uses a degree-day approach for melting
snow in a basin. A simple radiation component was combined with the d
egree-day approach (restricted degree-day method) in an effort to impr
ove estimates of snowmelt and reduce the need to adjust the melt facto
r over the ablation season. A daily energy balance model was formulate
d that requires not only the input of radiation but also measurements
of daily wind speed, air temperature, and relative humidity. The three
approaches for computing snowmelt, namely, the degree-day, restricted
degree-day, and daily energy balance model were tested at the local s
cale by comparing melt rates with lysimeter outflow measurements. Beca
use radiation measurements are not often available, a simple model for
simulating shortwave and longwave components of the radiation balance
that requires minimal information (i.e., daily cloud cover estimates,
air temperature, and relative humidity) was developed It was found th
at clouds and their effects on daily insolation at the surface can pro
duce significant differences between measured and model estimates. In
the comparisons of snowmelt estimates with the lysimeter outflow, the
restricted degree-day method yielded melt rates that were in better ag
reement with the observed outflow than the degree-day method and were
practically the same as estimates given by the energy balance model. A
sensitivity analysis of runoff generated with SRM using as input the
local snowmelt computations given by the three models and measured out
flow from the lysimeter was performed for a basin. A comparison of the
synthetic hydrographs for the basin suggests that a radiation-based s
nowmelt factor may improve runoff predictions at the basin scale.