The increasing complexity of automotive controllers requires the devel
opment and application of advanced tools to meet the challenges of sof
tware and systems integration testing. In this paper, a real-time hard
ware-in-the-loop simulation facility will be presented for software ve
rification. A dynamic laboratory environment, similar to the actual ve
hicle, facilitates the investigation and documentation of controller p
erformance for prescribed operating scenarios. To support the verifica
tion of diagnostic software, a modular failure mode interface has been
developed. A set of six failure modes is defined to automate the intr
oduction of degradations into the controller's environment. The comput
er-controlled scheduler utility enables test sequences to be scheduled
in a precise manner, while the data acquisition strategy logs time-sy
nchronized data to verify the controller's operation. Three simulation
test methods will be presented for software verification. To demonstr
ate the capabilities and potential applications of this tool set, a se
ries of manifold absolute pressure sensor failures is discussed.