The golden hamster possesses a forestomach and a glandular stomach. Th
e gastric groove connects the cardia to the glandular stomach and is s
ituated on the lesser curvature of the stomach. The constitution of th
e muscle fibers in the gastric groove was investigated. The gastric gr
oove consisted of two lips and a groove floor. The muscle coat of the
lips was composed of a mixture of smooth and striated muscle fibers. T
he smooth muscle fibers were components of the cardiac muscle loop. Th
e striated muscle fibers were extensions from the esophageal inner cir
cular muscle layer, and invaded about half the length of the lips. The
muscle coat of the groove floor consisted of an inner circular muscle
layer made up of smooth muscle fibers, and the outer longitudinal mus
cle layer of the striated muscle fibers extended from the esophageal o
uter longitudinal muscle layer. The present study revealed that the mu
scle coat of the gastric groove in the golden hamster was composed of
smooth and striated muscle fibers, and that these striated muscle fibe
rs were extensions of the esophageal muscle coat.