In 1990, the Research Triangle Institute compiled a list of fish consu
mption advisories resulting from chemical contamination of fish and sh
ellfish species throughout the United States. A major update of the da
ta file in September 1993 revealed significant information on fish adv
isories. Regionally, the Great Lakes states (Illinois, Indiana, Michig
an, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) have issue
d 73% of the listed advisories. The predominance of data from these st
ates in the data base listings strongly influences the interpretation
of other results, such as summaries of pollutants that trigger the mos
t advisories, types of waterbodies where advisories are most commonly
issued, and families and species most often cited in advisories. Four
contaminants (mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, chlordane, and dioxi
n) are responsible for more than 90% of all advisories. Advisories for
lakes represent two-thirds of all advisories issued by states. Sevent
y-five finfish species from 20 finfish families are listed in advisori
es nationwide. The results of a comprehensive review of the data base
are presented with appropriate caveats that provide a better understan
ding of the summary results. The data base is available to states, Env
ironmental Protection Agency (EPA) regional staff, federal agencies, a
nd the public on the EPA Nonpoint Source Bulletin Board System under t
he Fish Advisory Special Interest Group.