In this article we study the existence of solutions for the elliptic s
ystem -DELTAu = partial derivative H/partial derivative v (u, v, x) in
OMEGA, -DELTAv = partial derivative H/partial derivative u (u, v, x)
in OMEGA, u = 0, v = 0 on partial derivative OMEGA. where OMEGA is a b
ounded open subset of R(N) with smooth boundary partial derivative OME
GA, and the function H : R2 x OMEGABAR --> R, is of class C1 . We assu
me the function H has a superquadratic behavior that includes a Hamilt
onian of the form H(u, v) = \u\alpha + \v\beta where 1 - 2/N < 1/alpha
+ 1/beta < 1 with alpha > 1, beta > 1. We obtain existence of nontriv
ial solutions using a variational approach through a version of the Ge
neralized Mountain Pass Theorem. Existence of positive solutions is al
so discussed.