Since the publication of our initial review of restraint stress in 198
6, much work has continued with this technique, either as a tool for t
he investigation of other pharmacological, physiological, or pathologi
c phenomena or with restraint stress itself serving as the object of t
he study. As we noted in 1986, the major use of restraint has been for
the induction of stress responses in animals and, more specifically,
for the investigation of drug effects, particularly as they affect typ
ical stress-related pathology-gastrointestinal, neuroendocrine, and im
munological agents have been extensively studied. In compiling this up
date on restraint stress and its effects, we noted an increasing empha
sis on central nervous system mechanisms in peripheral disease, especi
ally gastrointestinal disease. In particular, many CNS-active agents h
ave been tested for their effects on gastric and duodenal lesion forma
tion and gastric secretion, including antidepressants, antipsychotics,
anxiolytics, noradrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, and peptiderg
ic compounds. Some of these agents are especially active in the gastro
intestinal tract even when administered centrally, further solidifying
the concept of a brain-gut axis. The present update includes studies
of: methods and procedures, prerestraint manipulations, postrestraint/
healing effects, and drug effects. In addition, a current bibliography
of reports that have employed restraint is included.