The infiltration of saliva into the multi-metallic structures on titan
ium implants brings different types of alloys into temporary or perman
ent contact. In this way a galvanic cell is established as a result of
their potential difference. The galvanic cell phenomenon is compounde
d by another type of corrosion resulting from the geometry of the asse
mbly: localized crevice corrosion. Fifteen galvanic couples (Ti/gold-b
ased alloys, Ti/palladium-based alloy and Ti/non-precious alloys) were
studied. Various electrochemical parameters (E(corr), E(common), E(co
uple corr), E(crevice), i(corr), i(couple corr) and Tafel slopes) were
analysed. The galvanic currents measured are of the same order of mag
nitude (except Ti/stainless steel). They remain low. Application of th
e mixed-potential theory shows that titanium in coupling with the allo
ys studied will be under either cathodic or anodic control. According
to the results obtained, an alloy that is potentially usable for super
structures in a galvanic coupling with titanium must fulfil a certain
number of parameters: in a coupling, titanium must have a weak anodic
polarization; the current generated by the galvanic cell must also be
weak; the crevice potential must be markedly higher than the common po