The development of more precise computer models for the simulation of
the performance of sewerage systems and for management in real-time ne
cessitates the acquisition of more precise data. Existing portable sys
tems for the in-situ measurement of velocity in sewers as commonly use
d for model development have limited applicability to larger sized sew
ers (>1200mm). When considered together with the emerging need to moni
tor the behaviour of sediments in sewers, this lack of instrumentation
available to observe detailed velocity gradients in the larger sewers
, where sedimentation is most likely to occur, is a severe constraint.
A programme of research studying sediment movements in the sewers in
Dundee has led to the development of ultrasonic systems for the measur
ement of three dimensional velocity distributions in large sewers, and
sonar systems for the monitoring of bed erosion at points within the
sewer network. Data obtained from these systems has contributed to the
development of a new cohesive sediment erosion model for sewers.