CAAX farnesyltransferase attaches a farnesyl group to proteins that te
rminate in the sequence CAAX, where C is cysteine, A is an aliphatic a
mino acid, and X is typically methionine or serine. A limited number o
f substrates for the CAAX farnesyltransferase have been identified in
cultured cells. These include p21(ras) proteins and the nuclear lamins
A and B. We describe here the use of a CAAX farnesyltransferase inhib
itor, together with a hamster cell line that exhibits efficient uptake
of [H-3]mevalonate, as a means of identifying novel farnesylated prot
eins. One candidate protein was purified and its attached prenyl group
identified as farnesyl. The predicted amino acid sequence of this pro
tein, deduced from a cloned cDNA, terminates with the tetrapeptide Cys
-Leu-Ile-Met, which conforms to the consensus sequence for recognition
by farnesyltransferase. This farnesylated protein, designated PxF, is
localized to the outer surface of peroxisomes as determined by indire
ct immunofluorescence and electron microscopy.