The presence of serum antibodies to Entamoeba histolytica was detected
by indirect hemagglutination in a representative sample of the 32 fed
eral entities of the Mexican Republic. This study was designed to incl
ude biologic, geographic, social, economic, and educational variables.
The total percentage of positive sera was 8.41%. Seroprevalence varie
d with geographic zones, with the South Central, South Pacific, and Yu
catan Peninsula areas showing the highest values (greater than or equa
l to 9%), and the North, Northeast, and Gulf of Mexico areas showing t
he lowest values (less than or equal to 8.0%). Seroprevalence of anti-
E. histolytica antibodies seemed to increase from the northern regions
to the southern areas of Mexico. These results indicated that amebias
is is endemic in the Mexican Republic, with areas of high seroprevalen
ce not related to climatic conditions. Exposure to infectious contact
with E. histolytica occurred at all ages, with a higher frequency at s
chool age.